Web Connect - Pretend Game Client


This page represents the game client.

For more information please refer to the design spec (flowchart):
Design flowchart pdf

1) On first installation (behind the scenes), the game will request a unique hash code and key from the api that will be stored within the game client. This code will be used to uniquely identify the installation and will be used to link a login to the installation. This will be stored permanently within the game. There will be no need to ever request this again.

Client Unique Id (cuId):
Client Unique Key (cuKey):

2) Until Radix implement a working headless connector, the login will only be allowed via the Radix wallet connected to a browser. So a (Chrome / Brave) browser needs to be initiated which has the Radix Web Connector extension pre-installed.

3) Once logged in (client and radix account linked), the game would do a lookup to see if the user did actually log in (using "cuKey"):

4) Account details such as owned NFTs etc can now be looked up:

5) Account NFT (Detailed) can now be looked up:

Resource Address:

6) Additional test for specific nft (how many held):

Resource Address:

7) Simulate Match Creation:

New Match Id (matchId):

8) Simulate Match End Event: